The Opposite of Here / L'opposto di Qui

A work-in-progress series.
2023 my husband and I purchased a home in the southern Salento region of Lecce Province in Puglia, Italy.
There are approximately 1000 inhabitants in Barbarano del Capo, a frazione of the larger comune of Morciano di Leuca.
The property, indeed the entire region is the opposite of life in my hometown of New York City*.
With these works, for the first time in my practice, I am using visual and conceptual content based on my personal life.
I am truly grateful for the opportunity to live in this duplicitous manner, jet-setting between NYC and Italy.
However, I miss and am nostalgic for the New York I could recognize and am sad about the latest incarnation of the city as the "New" New York, playground for the über-wealthy.

*where I was born & raised and where we live and work for over 6 months a year.

My Newport Ass
Work-in-Progress, 2023 -
mixed media on board
18 x 23.35 inches

101st. st. c.1989 with my 47 yr. old ass

My Newport Ass
Work-in-Progress, 2023 -

101st. st. c.1989 with my 47 yr. old ass

Barbarano del Capo, 5x
Graphite on shogi paper
17 x 24 inches
Barbarano del Capo, (Morciano di Leuca Comune Mappa)
Graphite on shogi paper
17 x 23.5 inches
Work-in-Progress, 2023 -
Mixed media on printer canvas
Facade, (detail)
Work-in-Progress, 2023 -
BDC map no.1
Graphite on shogi paper
18 x 17 inches
First Floor Living Room, Chandelier
Printed gauze with marker and pen on printed canvas
26.5 x 32 inches
First Floor Living Room, Chandelier, (detail)
BDC map, diagonal
Graphite on shogi paper
18 x 20 inches
Work-in-Progress, 2023 -
Mixed media on printed canvas, (detail)
Work-in-Progress, 2023 -
Torre Vado, (Morciano di Leuca Comune Mappa)
Graphite on shogi paper
18 x 24 inches
Sogno, (Lecce)
Graphite on shogi paper
12 x 10 inches

Sogno [Dream]

Dammi la mano e ti porto nel sole [Give me your hand and I'll take you into the sun]

Restaci dentro e impara a brilliare [Stay in it and learn to shine]

Non credi sia vero? Tu scegli un colore [Don't you think it's true? You choose a color]

Dipingere un mondo che spegne paure [Paint a world that extinguishes fears]

Il girono più lungo sarà il mio ritorno [The longest day will be my return]

Promesse d’inchiostro nascoste in un m--- [Ink promises hidden in a m---]

Vederti felice è quello che sogno [Seeing you happy is what I dream of]

Un raggio di strada sarà il nostro eterno [A ray of the road will be our eternal]

Icaro primo [Icarus the first]